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Art History


Official Name of Program

Art History

Plan Code


Department(s) Sponsoring Program



Degree Designation

MA - Master of Arts



NYSED Program Code

02728 - ARTH-MA

CIP Code


The Master of Arts program in art history offers students the opportunity to expand their knowledge of the art and architecture created by the many cultures, civilizations, and artists around the globe from antiquity to today. Students work with and engage faculty who research, teach, and publish in a wide range of periods, styles, and media. In addition, students will find a greater variety of topics with the option to enroll in art history graduate courses at another CUNY campus (including the Graduate Center, Hunter College, Brooklyn College, and the City College of New York). Faculty at Queens as well as at the other CUNY campuses take advantage of New York City with its host of world-renowned museums, galleries, libraries, and some of the most prominent edifices and landscapes in the history of world architecture.

Requirements for the Master of Arts Degree

Full details about program policies and expectations may be found in the handbook for MA candidates; each incoming student may obtain a copy of this handbook from the department office and is responsible for all schedules and guidelines outlined in it.

Students admitted into the program may pursue the MA degree along two tracks of matriculation. The Research Track is designed for students who wish to pursue advanced scholarly studies beyond the MA degree and prepares them for PhD studies in art history or allied disciplines. The Professional Track is designed for students who consider the MA degree a professional degree that enhances a current profession or leads to a new career. Potential students choose which of the two tracks they wish to pursue on their program application in order to receive the proper matriculation advice and guidance from department faculty.
