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A Message from the Provost

Image is of Queens College Elizabeth Hendrey

Since its inception in 1937, Queens College has dedicated itself to excellence in the liberal arts and sciences. We are proud to be a City University of New York campus entrusted with the mission of teaching on both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Our graduate division has an excellent reputation for offering exceptional quality, diversity, and affordability. Our master’s programs are highly rated by Washington Monthly, and we are considered a Top Public Regional University by U.S. News and World Report. Queens College is consistently ranked a best-value institution by Forbes, U.S. News and World Report, and the Princeton Review. Among returning students, our outstanding record of admitting and offering extensive services to veterans is recognized by U.S. News and World Report and Victory Media. As of fall 2018, we enrolled over 3,100 graduate students, of whom about 14 percent attend full time, and 86 percent attend part time.

Whether you are considering graduate study as part of a career plan or for the pure pleasure of learning, Queens College has a program to fit your needs. We offer over 90 master’s degrees and 20 advanced certificates in over 50 disciplines, and participate in over 20 PhD programs offered by the City University’s Graduate Center. As a research center, the college is equipped with state-of-the-art science laboratories that serve hundreds of graduate students who are pursuing their research at Queens under the supervision of our faculty.

Queens College has an outstanding faculty of internationally recognized scholars who care deeply about teaching and research. Indeed, over the past decade, over 300 new, vibrant faculty have joined Queens College across all disciplines. In recognition of their scholarly excellence, our faculty received over $20 million in 2018–2019 in external grants. These include support from the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, and the New York State and City Departments of Education. Over each of the past several years, our faculty have annually published between 55 and 60 books, over 100 book chapters, and over 300 peer-reviewed publications, made over 900 conference presentations and invited lectures, and performed and/or exhibited over 400 musical, art, and theatrical pieces. Over 90 percent of our faculty possess doctorates or the highest degrees in their fields.

The college has 13 distinguished professors who have been recognized for their exceptional records of scholarly accomplishment and who teach and/or do research with graduate students. These include Joshua Freeman (noted author on 20th-century American history), Fred Gardaphé (leading expert in Italian-American studies), Azriel Z. Genack (internationally known physicist of random processes), Kimiko Hahn (award-winning poet), Samuel C. Heilman (sociologist in Jewish studies), George Hendrey (global change geologist), Yunping Jiang (low-dimensional dynamical mathematical systems and quasiconformal mappings and Teichmuller theory and Riemann surfaces), Richard McCoy (Shakespearean expert), Pyong Gap Min (expert on the Asian-American/Korean-American experience), Carl A. Riskin (development and environmental economics, and China expert), Morris Rossabi (historian specializing in the history of China and its relations with Mongolia), Stephen Steinberg (sociologist specializing in race and ethnicity studies), and Anthony Tamburri (Italian-American heritage).

Graduate education thrives in the college’s environment of scholarly exchange. Our students acquire first-rate professional skills and, what is most important, the necessary intellectual and critical skills to meet the challenges of tomorrow.

Therefore, on behalf of Interim President William A. Tramontano, I welcome you to the Graduate Programs at Queens College!
